Sunday I went to the supermarket just to buy a couple of things and get out of the house really….and if I had known what I was going to find I’d have most definitely stayed at home!!!
Not sure how to describe it but it looked like…. Cupid had borrowed Father Christmas’ sledge, filled it with anything red (or heart shaped) he could find and thrown it all over the isles of the supermarket without any order! But this wasn’t the worst….the worst were all those grown men and women pushing to get a “heart shaped whatever”!!
Could you even imagine anything like this?
The woman in front of me at the till (and I am not making this up) was paying for some red candles with a pink heart on the middle, some “Valentine Cracker” (I know….it is the 1st time I heard about them too!), special valentine napkins and a bunch of roses…according to her own words “she was having a tacky Valentine night in”…I could not have described it better myself if I tried!!!!
I never liked the Spanish “San Valentin” but the British version of it…is definitely worse!!!! You must, absolutely must….buy a card for your “other half” (but that is not surprising because here we buy a card for anything and everything I’ll write about that another day), flowers are also pretty much a given and a romantic dinner would not go amiss!
Personally, I’d not even consider the idea to go for dinner on the 14th or the weekend before; even Pizza Hut would be fully booked well in advance and full of couples looking funny at each other and not talking much….she far too busy thinking what she is going to write on facebook as soon as she gets the chance (“Having lovely dinner with my hubby at the White Lion”) and he kicking himself for spending all that money when he could have got away with buying a romantic DVD and M&S special valentine dinner for 2 for £20 instead!
When I told the guys on my office that I though Valentine’s day was a ridiculous idea (sorry if any of you is really into it)….they could not believe it!!! The general comment being “Lucky Darren” but I know secretly some of them love it really ( probably they even made and “handmade” card for their wives)!!!
Like Darren always says in our house every day is Valentine’s Day….except when we are tiling the bathroom, clearing the garage, Darren is watching the football, I am studying, one of the other has a bad day at work….well let re-phrase….in our house quite a few days are Valentine’s Days! I am sure they are at your house for next year ditch the red enveloped card and go for dinner any other night instead!